A good design is produced from knowing your client, figuring out what they like and what they don't. Sometimes on projects you find yourself having the luxury of time allocated to spend with your client, and we luckily found ourselves just in time to spend with the wonderfully- amazing Kerry Hanaphy.
A few months back we were introduced to this Queen of facial aesthetics. Her clinics around Dublin are constantly booked out and she found herself running from one side of Dublin to the other, not to mention country-wide. We decided that she needed to be grounded in one place and reduce the mileage on her car!
Over four weeks, we sketched, tweaked, overdosed on mood boards, contemplated on site, discussed with architectural friends, debated with builders and graphic designers and suddenly we found ourselves at a design to run with for this small but fabulous space situated in the heart of Dublin on South William Street, wrapped into a high ceilinged Georgian Room. Our talented and creative building team were armed with hammers and saws at the ready http://mgdevelopments.ie/
The room itself was not all joy and light when it was first discovered it was very sad and tired, waiting for our magic wand.
After many mood boards inspiration came to us ... it was "more bounce for the ounce" ... which did it!
Mood Board for Kerry
We knew we needed bling and we created it in the form of lighting. Kerry and Kate set off on a "blingy light" shopping trip and in the helpful arms of Hicken Lighting purchased 3 oh so sparkly globes and a rectangle light of equal sparkliness for good measure.
We also added in three white Angle Poise lights, wall lights and desk lamps to balance the sparkle with good task lighting.
We did not want the typical clinic altro floor but instead to choose a beautiful product from Forbo Flooring - Allura Premium Black Oak in 500mm lenghts laid in herringbone - Forbo Flooring Allura.
Kate loved the floor so much when it was laid out she had to give it some love... :)
In the space we managed to design three rooms with one being consultation room. Each room is enveloped with sliding door system made out of hardwood and sprayed black. Splashes of red were added in the form of bespoke design by our team and hand-made by Twbill carpentry.
We always design everything bespoke from our furniture to our mirrors .... and I think you will agree the mirrors are magnificent. We wanted to create a huge wow factor and focal point in each room so we back lit with extra warm white LED.
Our sexy red bench is still in production so we will post this next week along with the final after shots and an update on all the graphics by very talented Neworld & Associates.